Exterior Changes

Exterior Change Request

Any alterations, repairs, excavations, grading, landscaping or other work that that will alter the appearance of the outside of your home must first be approved by the architectural review committee. You may download the request form to the right of this page. All applications are due by noon 8 days prior to the ACR Meeting, which is held on the second Tuesday of each month. Please allow 30 days for reply on your request.

Please submit the request form by bringing it to the office at 15425 S 40th Pl #4.

Or you can email it to jim@mtparkranch.org.

The acceptable standard for appearance of property within Mountain Park Ranch HOA (MPRHOA) is based on Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’S) and the Rules for Community Living and is legally binding upon each residential and commercial property owner. The CC&R’s require that an owner of property within the community obtain prior written approval for any exterior alteration or addition to their property. All requests are subject to the Mountain Park Ranch CC&R’s, as well as rules and guidelines of the applicable subdivision. Please make sure you have read and understand the rules prior to completion of any Architectural Request.

Download and fill out the Architectural Review Form

Check out our approved paint colors HERE 

Paint Colors and Guidelines

Along with the Architectural Review Form, all paint change requests must have this  Paint Addendum Form attached.

In an effort to assist Mountain Park Ranch HOA (MPRHOA) Members with paint colors, Dunn Edwards Paint Company has set up an approved MPRHOA paint color list, which can be viewed on their website

UPDATE 6-29-2021 – MPRHOA Paint Color Schemes:

  • Most of the approved color schemes are now interchangeable. Schemes 21, 22, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, and 39, will remain non-interchangeable colors.

Please check with the HOA Office or Dunn Edwards for paint scheme questions and variations.

Please note paint colors and schemes vary in color on individual computer screens, and we recommend and encourage you visit the MPRHOA office or a Dunn Edwards store to see actual colors, prior to picking only from the website. The HOA Office has paint boards and paint books you can check out and take home, and the Dunn Edwards store has MPRHOA approved color list samples for you to view in their store. MPRHOA takes no responsibility how your paint color choices will turn out on your paint project.

Driveways & Stone Pavers

Driveways may not be altered in any way without the prior written approval of the Architectural Review Committee. In many cases, driveways may be widened to a maximum of 27 feet, which will accommodate three vehicles. Driveway expansion must be contiguous to the existing driveway, and of the same color, texture and material. Driveway surfaces exceeding 27 feet in width are prohibited in all cases unless as part of the original design by the developer. The parking surface shall not exceed 35% of the total yard frontage area. ARC approval of wide access gates to back yards does not constitute approval for an additional driveway or approval of parking in the area between the gates and the street. Granite or turf areas used to access rear yards may not be used for vehicle parking or show evidence of being used as a driveway.

Stone walkways and planters and any other hardscape features visible from neighboring property must be reviewed and approved by the ARC. Surface textures and colors should match the paint color and materials of the house. Pony walls (small, non-load-bearing walls) are limited to three feet in height including columns. Pony wall gates are to be compatible in size to the pony wall and recommended to be no higher than the overall pony wall.


For window replacements please submit the following:

Architectural Review Form, Window Addendum Windows Addendum Form, and brochure from window company. Include the number of windows being replaced, the color, grid vs no grid, and if there will be any change to the structure or shape of any of the windows.

Awnings. The ARC and/or Staff must review all submittals related to awnings. Size, colors, methods of attachment and patterns are carefully evaluated to ensure consistent visual character with the development.

As with all other elements of the architectural review process, the principal concern with awnings is both their relationship to the individual dwellings as well as their effect on the overall community, and in particular, the street scene. The street scene shall be concerned with and shall be treated according to the priority elevations rules discussed in the design guidelines booklet, a copy of which can be reviewed at the association office.

Homeowners who wish to install awnings are to coordinate house color and awning color, to provide a harmonious look, acknowledging that not every awning color compliments ever paint scheme. Awning trim color must be the same as the primary awning color, and must be one of three approved styles. These styles are straight (no trim), standard trim, or Old English trim.  All fabric is to be 100% acrylic and pulled taut with no exposed framing, grommets or lacing. All seams are to be sewn. Samples of colors and trim styles are available for inspection in the Mountain Park Ranch Homeowners Association office during normal business hours. Please also visit our office to view a list of approved options.

Window Coverings. No covering material, including but not limited to aluminum foil, reflective glass or mirrors, flags, sheets, blankets, newspaper, plywood, or similar items, shall be installed on the outside or inside of any window of any residence without written approval of the ARC.

Elevation and Landscaping

The Association does not review for prior approval any landscaping plans for individual single family lots. However, you must obtain approval for any hardscape alternations, which include, but are not limited to, walkways, pony walls, etc.  Each homeowner is responsible for keeping their yard neatly trimmed, properly cultivated and free of trash, weeds, dead plants, and other unsightly material. Vacant lots will be held to the same standard except for the installation of finished landscaping.

No landscape installation shall alter or block natural hillside or off-lot drainage. Trees that are near a sidewalk, community mailbox, street or anywhere that would be subject to vehicle or pedestrian traffic, must have a clearance of no less than 10 feet above the ground. While the approval process at Mountain Park Ranch Homeowners Association may not call for homeowners to submit all landscape plans for review, homeowners shall blend their landscape design with the natural desert environment found in the hillside areas throughout Mountain Park Ranch Homeowners Association and the arid region landscaping installed in common areas and along rights-of-way. Natural desert landscaping is not acceptable for yard landscaping. Finished landscaping must be readily identified as either “turf” or “desert.”

New homes must have landscaping installed within six months of occupancy of their residence. This includes the installation of turf, ground cover, plants or gravel. Native soil is not an acceptable ground cover. If gravel is used, it should be of natural Earth tone, not white, green, blue, red or other bright colors. Artificial grass is acceptable as long as it is of high quality and green in color to match real grass as closely as possible

Front Doors

Security Doors shall be sturdy and constructed of metal bar and tubing in a color that either blends with the existing color scheme of the home or black or bronze in color, or in the same color of an approved front door color being used.

Front door color options. The color may match the existing color scheme, i.e. the color of the house, the trim or pop-out color, or a stained wood color. It may also be a color from the approved front door color list displayed at the HOA office. You may also view the list using Dunn Edwards website. Office approval is required.

Roof Tiles

Homeowners may replace the roof tiles by choosing a color and style that matches what is currently on the house, or pick from the approved color palette displayed at the HOA office. A sample of your existing roof tile must accompany your proposed new roof tile and brought into the HOA office to be approved prior to installation.

Zero Lot Lines

Zero Lot Line Properties – General Guidelines and Rules:

Several neighborhoods/subdivisions within Mountain Park Ranch HOA (MPRHOA) were originally developed using zero lot line boundaries for individual properties.  What this generally means is your neighbor’s property runs right up to the outside of your home, most likely on their side of your house.  A zero lot line property is any property in which the structure of the home or property line touches or comes very close to the boundary of the adjacent (your) lot. With this in mind, when you purchase/purchased your home the real estate agent, attorney, or seller should have explained to you that you are buying a property with a zero lot line, and any maintenance and repairs; such as painting, stucco, window replacement, etc., on your home that faces your neighbor, you will need access via their property to get to your side of your home to do that maintenance.  Your property documents generally have a provision (agreement) with a stated easement which allows you such access on the adjacent neighbor’s property.   The HOA does not have copies of your easement documents or even access to these documents, it is the responsibility for each property owner to understand and individually obtain zero lot lines easement restrictions and agreements.  Any further clarification on these documents and boundaries is recommended for you to obtain clarification from a surveyor, attorney, or other certified professional in the real estate field to further explain your property boundaries and rights.  The HOA, other than reviewing any changes to a property via an architectural request form submitted by you, the HOA does not get involved with any boundary or property disputes.  This would be between both property owners to resolve and/or obtain professional advice to resolve.

MPRHOA “Rules for Community Living” booklet states the following regarding zero lot lines:

Zero Lot-Line Subdivisions:

Zero Lot-Line Subdivisions have a shared Easement/Ownership Agreement between property owners.  (Meaning, when you purchased your property you are in agreement with neighboring properties on zero lot restrictions and conditions).  The easement rights established by this agreement shall be limited to the rear side yard and will not be expanded forward beyond the side connecting fence. No change or construction shall take place in this easement area without the approval of the ARC and both property owners.

Again, if you or your neighbor want to change, enter, etc., a zero lot line area on the adjacent property to yours (generally the area that is not accessible to your property but it’s the area that comes up to the side of your house) it is recommended you obtain neighbor approval first to either enter or for any changes, modifications, etc., for your property.  An emergency situation, fire, flood, etc., would most likely overrule this exception, however its best before entering a zero lot line property to get permission first from your neighbor.  It’s best to discuss this with your neighbor prior so each knows the property boundaries.  Prior discussions between neighbors can curtail future misunderstandings.

Please note, the HOA is held harmless and has no control over zero lot line boundaries and areas, other than requiring architectural review before any changes you may want to make.  Verbal interpretations with the HOA are non-binding.  It’s the owner’s responsibility (not HOA) to obtain neighbor approval prior to submitting any such architectural requests.

Zero Lot Line CC&Rs

For further information on the changes a Homeowner may or may not apply to the exterior of their home please contact our office, or review the Rules for Community Living document.