The HOA is well aware there are transient and homeless people that appear from time to time in and around MPRHOA. Areas in MPRHOA that are considered private property consist of; the recreation centers, any of the greenbelts, around the fountains, trailheads, hillside preserves, are all considered MPRHOA common areas. If one of these individuals has settled in one of these areas, please contact the HOA at 480-704-5000 so we can assist. However, there are many areas in and around MPRHOA that are not considered common areas and are actually owned and maintained by the City of Phoenix. In these subject City of Phoenix areas, the HOA has no jurisdiction to remove an individual or individuals. These subject areas consist of; all the sidewalks, streets, some of the drainage washes that meander through the property, bus stops, etc. If you see a homeless or transient individual in these City of Phoenix areas, you can contact the non-emergency Police phone number at 602-262-6151. The HOA is not the Police and cannot do anything with individuals on City of Phoenix property.